Welcome to our new post about the social post feature of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing - purpose fit application from Microsoft to boost your marketing operations. In today's post I will showcase the social post feature of Dynamics 365 Marketing which not only makes it easier to create catchy social posts but also to mange and track those posts and their insights across multiple social platforms from within Dynamics 365 Marketing application.
It's not a secret anymore that a strong online presence of your organization and your products / services help boost your sells. However it is usually (if not always) tricky to create & publish posts across multiple social media platforms. Managing and tracking their insights across multiple platforms is again an additional task.
Let's take a look at how social post feature of Dynamics 365 Marketing can help with these challenges.
1. Create a new post:
With the social post editor in Dynamics Marketing 365, it is easier to create catchy social media posts which can be published across multiple social channels. You can choose a social channel such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter where your would like to publish the post. Type in your post title, text and add images / media files to go along. Take a look at the preview section to ensure your post looks great.
2. Publish your post:
Click on the Post now button to publish your post instantly to the selected social channel. Alternatively schedule publish date for your post so it is visible just at the right time on social media platforms.
3. Review insights
Track insights of your post from within Dynamics 365 Marketing. This helps immensely by avoiding browsing multiple web sites and posts within to understand performance of your social post.
Once published your posts can be seen on the social media platforms as below:
I hope this post helps you understand the powerful social post feature of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing and how it can be used to create, manage and track social posts across multiple social platforms from within your D365 marketing application.
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